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John Lennon, May Pang, and UFOS

An article in UFOdigest.com about John Lennon seeing a UFO contains an inaccuracy, Lennon saw the UFO from his apartment on the east side of New York City, not the Dakota. (See link below, thanks for the correction, May!)

“The late John Lennon had a close-up sighting when a UFO hovered level with the balcony of his apartment in the (famous Dakota building) where he would be shot to death a few years later as he disembarked from a car. Beckley was a friend of May Pang, Lennon’s live-in girlfriend at the time, which led to a couple of phone conversations with Lennon shortly after the daylight sighting incident. Lennon was afire with curiosity about UFOs and even gave a cursory mention to them on the last album he recorded before his death, “Double Fantasy.” Many of the readers of “The UFO Digest” will probably recall Lennon singing, “There’s UFOs over New York, and I ain’t too surprised.” ”


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